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Skip to contentAs a recently upgraded engineer from a novice, it’s like going from Level 0 to Level 5.
I have been working for a moderate amount of time, around five years, and have also mentored some juniors.
During my time in school, I believed that the way my programming teacher taught was awful, I believe that I can do better if I were him.
I am familiar with C# and Java (which are used at work) and Python was self taught.
And here is my LeetCode Personal Profile.
🧡I will be grateful if you share my post !
2022.07.12 Updated copy button, hope that may help!
2022.07.21 Now you can contact me by Messenger directly (your personal account or guest account)
2023.05.02 🧡We celebrate our first anniversary ! ! !🧡
2023.09 We began writing articles on Codeforces in addition to LeetCode.
💔 My daily updates were interrupted from June 30, 2023, to March 13, 2024. I accidentally overslept and missed a day, leaving me at 258 days.
Contact Me
Mail : [email protected]
FaceBook : Zyrastory 程式美食研究中心 | Facebook
"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard "
Services We Provide
- Free programming consultation for questions related to C#, Java, Python 3, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, and more.
- We may consider other languages based on our team’s capabilities.
- Friendly website links (subject to review; we understand the challenges faced by new creators).
- Diverse Content Welcome: Whether you’re into programming, design, or other creative fields.
- Ad space for rent (to afford our hosting costs)
- If you are interested in collaboration or would like more details, please feel free to contact us for further information.
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