Exploring Various Methods for Obtaining Subarrays in C#

What happened

Encountering the LeetCode problem #2966 “Divide Array Into Arrays With Max Difference”, I found myself needing to retrieve the next three elements from a specific index in the array to form a subarray.

During the process of writing the solution, I kept forgetting which syntax to use for this task. However, I wanted to avoid traditional methods like using a for loop to iterate through each element individually. Hence, I decided to make notes to prevent forgetting this syntax in the future.


The following examples will all use the array nums, and extract cnt elements starting from startIdx to form a subarray.

Solution 1 – for loop

int[] tmp = new int[cnt];
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
    tmp[i] = nums[startIdx + i];

The most traditional approach involves first defining the size of the array and then using a loop to individually set the index values.

Solution 2 – LINQ – SKIP、 Take

int[] tmp = nums.Skip(startIdx).Take(cnt).ToArray();

This should be one of the most familiar syntaxes for everyone developing in C#, enabling easy accomplishment in just one line.

Solution 3 – Range operator

int[] tmp = nums[startIdx..(startIdx+cnt)];

In addition to LINQ, the introduction of the Range operator in C# 8.0 has made the process even more straightforward.

The Range operator can even be combined with the ^ (end operator) for additional operations. For example: nums[startIdx..^3] extracts a subarray from the nums array starting from startIdx to the third element from the end.


Make a record, just in case one day I suddenly turn into a goldfish and forget everything!

If I discover other methods later, I’ll come back to update it!

I’ve been using GPT to create Japanese versions of translated articles recently, hoping to attract different users.


💔 The entire article was written and tested independently. Feel free to quote or reference, but please avoid copying the entire content verbatim.

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Some Random notes

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