Differences Between JavaScript == and === – Loose Equality vs. Strict Equality

What happened

I believe everyone is aware that JavaScript is a weakly typed language. However, do you know the differences between the “==” and “===” operators?

Loose Equality vs. Strict Equality

== Loose Equality

While we commonly use the equality operator for comparisons, it’s essential to understand that it involves type conversion in subsequent evaluations.

For example,


In such cases, everyone will notice that these expressions all evaluate to true.

At this point, let’s take a closer look at the types.

The three types are actually different from one another, but with the “==” operator (loose equality), they are converted to the same type before comparison.

Both boolean and string types are converted to numbers for the comparison. The provided link offers a comprehensive explanation of the conversion process ⬇

=== Strict Equality

Understanding loose equality makes it easier to grasp strict equality – it simply doesn’t perform any type coercion. Whatever type you are is the type that is compared.


In simple terms, using strict equality (===) will give you false for the same examples because it doesn’t convert types – they must match exactly.

Choosing Between Loose and Strict Equality

When dealing with known input types, both loose equality (==) and strict equality (===) operators can be applicable. The choice between them depends on whether simple type coercion is needed (use ==) or if a precise match without type conversion is required (use ===).

In scenarios where multiple types need to be taken into account, it is advisable to opt for strict equality (===) to prevent confusion. While the flexibility of the loose equality (==) can be advantageous, it may introduce potential pitfalls, such as non-intuitive behavior when addressing certain issues, possibly overlooking type disparities.


I’ve been wanting to write this article for a long time, but it’s been put off repeatedly.

It all started with debugging, trying to identify issues with the double equal (==) operator, only to struggle in finding the root cause. It wasn’t until later that I discovered the inconsistency in types, which is the drawback discussed in this piece.


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